Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

An Update I guess...

So we survived Hurricane Ike.

I dont know what else to say. If you want to know what it was like, just dont ask me cause I dont want to talk about it. If you really want to know watch this video. And yes it sounds exactly like that, wiether your on the 11th floor of a hotel or in a double wide trailer.

Video of Ike

That's all I have to say about that. Period.

WE are back in maine and awaiting BTSAM's Returned for a month off. I can't wait to see him again.

hmmm...not much to say

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurry Up and Wait.

It's just a waiting game now. We're only expecting Heavy Winds and rain, but the car is packed and ready to go if needed. The animals are starting to act wierd so we know it's coming. Galvaston is under water. My phone is on and charged, so I can recieve calls and texts if any one is worried. I'll keep updating until the power goes out, if it goes out. stocked up on food and water, we are ready to go. emergancy diapers bags are packed, along with luggage, to be thrown in the car just in case. the T.v is perminately on the weather channel, and we are ready. Now we just have to wait.

I'll keep updating.

Love you all.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh. It's only Ike...

So we are preparing. Boarding windows, Pulling in the horses, boarding up the barn, checking fence lines, stocking up on stuff. Hurricane Ike is coming. He's looking to hit Houston Directly, which we are about 30 minutes north of Houston. Everyone is being evacuated by zip code and we are relocating up to Dallas, when Uncle Richard gets home. It's already windy and raining, so we are hoping we are going to be about to get out of here. Aunt Lorrie doesn't want to leave, she keeps saying it won't hit here, I've been here 24 years and we only get wind...blah blah blah. I dont want to take any chances, If Jarrid and i are the only two to go, then we are the only two to go. BTSAM wants us to go to Dallas, so We will go to Dallas. Baby and I. I will help with all the preparations, but after that I'm putting our stuff into the rental car and I will make the drive to Dallas with or witout any one else. I'm sorry, all it takes is one time, when it hits, and staying in a double wide trailer isn't really that protective froma hurricane, even if he's hit the land. Aunt Lorrie says that she wonders what they are hiding from everyone about the hurricane because they are giving so much warning and they are evacuating everyone so early.

I say we just leave, but that's just me. If I have to I will change my plane ticket to fly out of Dallas and I'll come to maine. I need to think about the safety of my baby.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just a few things.

Here are just a few pictures from this weekend. Before I dropped BTSAM off.