Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow what?

It snowed yesterday.

didn't really stick but it still snowed.

I have a doctors appointment today, We'll see what will happen. I'm not going to be working anymore I know this, I can't handle it physically and emotionally.

We have a house phone now! sort of, it's not hooked up until february 5th, and then we have to get the house phone to call people. haha.

We filed taxes and all that jazz and we are just waiting for the return, which will help us alot. And we are going to treat ourselves. We're gunna paint! woot! Baby room and all. I'm excited. The baby shower out here is February 17th at 6:30pm so hopefully I will have pictures then. I'm saving up to get a digital camera, even though jackson keeps telling me I dont need to. so I'll save and if I dont get one I'll buy it myself, if I do get one, then the money can go towards a new computer or laptop or something that is kinda a spoil, but also something we need.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008




So I promised I would say what went on with Bella. So here it goes.

Saturday was the day we supposed to bring her to the beagle rescue. I had to work saturday morning so I went into work, but I was a mess. Kristine asked me what was wrong and I told her that we had to give Bella away today, Heather heard me and said "Hey! My parents' pug just died, and they just got a beagle and they want another one, Do you want me to call and see if they want Bella?"

I quickly went through the pros and cons of this situation and decided that Because I knew heather was such an animal lover I figured her family was too so I felt it would be best for Bella if she went to a home that I knew she would be well taken care of. So I said sure.

Heather called her family and they said yes, so after I got out of work I went and picked up Bella and drove down to Citrus Heights again (which is 45 mins away) to bring Bella to Heather at work.

I arrived and told Heather that we were there and she called her parents and they came to work.
Heather's step mom got out of the truck picked up Bella, put her in the back seat of the truck, grabbed her things gave me a hug and left. I didn't even get to say bye. I just smiled and told myself that I'll be able to see her later.

So monday I get on the computer and check my e-mail and i get an e-mail from the Lady at the beagle rescue that went like this:

I didn't know if you were rehoming Belle via Craigslist for $100.00 or if the person you gave her to is selling her on Craigslist. Either way I certainly hope that you make a responsiblie decision for her and that she finds a permanent home with folks who will spay her, understand the breed and meet all of her needs. Her fate depends on you.

That's it.
My jaw hit the floor, I was like this can't be true, so I went onto craigslist and found this ad.

Reply to: (I took it out.)
Date: 2008-01-27, 2:42PM PST

Hi i have a pure breed beagle.
Her name is Bella she is 6 months old.
she is a very cute dog no papers.
Im asking a rehoming fee of $100.00.
She comes with clothes,toys.
Great with kids.


At this point I started balling my eyes out. What the hell, that is my dog! What are the odds that There are two pure bred beagle puppys in Citrus Heights named Bella that comes with toys and clothes, that has no papers. The reason why she has no papers is cause I STILL HAVE THEM!

So I called Heather to find out what the hell happened. Notice the posting date. Sunday at 2:42 pm. They had Bella for just over a day before this was posted.

This is the conversation that went on with heather when she finally called me back. (Warning: foul language was used, but that's how mad I was)

Heather: All calm and cool "Hey what's up?"
Me: Obviously upset and clearly has been crying. "Hey is your step-mom selling bella for 100.00?"
Heather: Still a bit calm but now relising that I'm upset. "Yeah,"
Me: Now pissed because it is Bella. "Why?"
Heather: Getting defensive. "Well I guess when they got home Bella was Hella scared and wouldn't do anything and she just wasn't working out."
Me: Even more pissed now. "So you fucking put an ad on craigs list for her?"
Heather: Really defensive. "Whats the difference between my Step-mom finding her a good home and you finding her a home."
Me: "You couldn't have called me? I would have come and picked her up if it wasn't working it's not a problem, you have no right to sell her."
Heather: Now she's pissed also. "It was a rehoming fee my step-mom didn't get any of the money."
Me: "Why didn't you call me, again I would have come picked her up."
Heather: "what the hell is the problem, you are blowing this way out of proportion, Bella is with the neighbors and I guess she is doing fine."
Me: "I'm not blowing this out of proportion, I gave Bella to your step-mom for FREE because that's where I wanted her to be, If I didn't care where she was going I would have put up an ad on craigslist myself and sold her for what she was worth. I obviously made a bad choice in trusting you."
Heather: Now is extremely pissed. "Look your the one who ruined my day off, and now your ruining my dinner."
Me: "Whatever Heather, just give me the address to where Bella is and I'll go pick her up and take care of this myself. I dont fucking abondon my family members which is what pets usually are to their owners, so I guess your family is just fucked up, and from what I've been hearing I guess they are and they don't deserve a good and loyal dog like Bella."
Heather: "She's not even trained like you said she was!"
Me: "No, she's trained it took us 7 months to train her, your step mom just didn't listen to me when I told her that Bella's leash needs to be where she can get it so she can let you know when she needs to go out side, that's her fault. That dog is the best damn dog anyone could ask for, you and your family just took advantage of me, with intentions of selling her the whole time and that is dumb that you would do that to someone, what kind of human being are you to not care about other peoples things, or their feelings. Of coarse Bella was scared out of her mind she's an 8 month old puppy and your step mom took her from me with out me even getting to say goodbye, it's a brand new house, new smells, new family and New dog and you expected her to just adjust immeadeately when all she's know is Jackson and I. That's fucking bullshit heather and you know it, you guys gave her less then a day to even adjust and the fact that you didn't call me was irresponsible and immature. you clearly dont care as much about animals as you say you do, cause you would have known that It would have taken a while for Bella to get used to the new surroundings. So you know what, just give me the address and I will go pick Bella up myself and I will do the right thing and apologize to the people that have her because this was all a big mistake and I will never trust you ever again."
Heather: "whatever I'll give it to you at work tomorrow" *click*

Jokes on her I'm calling out today. There is no way I'm going to be able to deal with the stress of work, cause everyone will ask what's wrong and I'll have to tell them and the circle will start all over again. So I'm gunna call Melissa and tell her that I've been having contractions all day cause I've stressed myself out too much (which isn't nessisarily a lie, I have had a few contractions this morning, but once again they are just the braxton hicks contractions and my doctor isn't worried.) and tell her that I'm trying to get ahold of Maddie to cover my shift because I asked her yesterday and I think she wants the more hours and then ask melissa to ask heather to call me when she gets off work with the number for the people so that I can call and talk to them.

I dont think I'll go pick up bella because I cant deal with losing her twice, I just want to talk to the people and tell them everything that is going on, because I'm sure tey think I'm a total bitch, but I just want to meet them and see bella and know that she is going to be ok, and tell them that if they want her papers they can pay $200.00 dollars for them because of the entire situation, and ask them if it's ok if i see her every once in a while and that if they have ANY problems whatsoever to call me and I can help, becuase I know this dog better then anyone else could imagine.

And that is my post. Now I go read Sheepy aunts blog to make me laugh.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Not a Full entry....sorry

Well this is more of a pre-post. I have news about bella, but I've worked myself up about it so much that labor looks like A breeze. I've been crying so hard I've made myself sick and my stomach muscles now hurt.

But I would like to thank Auntie Sheep for making me laugh. You really helped my day.

but I will post tomorrow a long post in detail of what happened.

for now i go and wallow in my box of depression and concentrate on crawlin gout of the box and de-stressing myself before I'm put on bedrest.

Needless to say i've been told by two girls at work that i need to take my leave, because not only do i look like I'm about to pop, but they feel bad cause they know how everything has been the past couple of weeks and they think I should be laying in bed all day long.

Which really at this point i think is what is going to happen, wiether my doctor prescribes it or not. Cause I'm over working myself and it's gunna hurt me in the end. so tomorrow I ask Maddie if she wants my hours for the week and when Cheryl is not sick anymore I will put infor my leave. because it s much needed.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Things come and go...

And the time has come.

Tomorrow we bring Bella to tbe Beagle rescue. They have a foster home for her who have two other beagle puppys for her to play with.

I'm not going to get onto that topic because I've been crying enough as it is and kinda want to stop.

As everyone has probally heard at my last doctors appointment I was indeed 1/2 a cm dialated. I've been kinda stressed lately. And here I thought my back pain was cause I have a massive baby. (And by massive I mean we're looking at an 8 or 9 lb baby) Oh and a well endowed chest. (which I also do not like...they get in the did my mother and aunt ever manage life with huge knockers?)

The fact that I cant even attempt to reach my toes is sad. Just to tie my shoes I grunt and groan trying to get either my foot high enough so I can tie it or bending over so I can reach it. Jackson just chuckles watching this marathon go on. So I've become smarter and given up on sneakers and have just gone to the slip on clogs. Gottah love the clogs. Yay. He thinks it's amusing that I've double my size since returning home from maine. (Though I still weigh under 150!)

So I recieved W.I.C and man do they just give out milk. I'm by any means NOT complaining because I've been going through a gallon a day, on top of 2 or 3 liters of water at night. Milk during the day, Water at night. For some reason our room we are in right now is extremely dry and I've been waking up with a swollen tongue and dry mouth. (the uncomfortable dry mouth) So I now keep liter bottles of Aquafina under my pillow at night (literally, it's actually quite comfortable) and I go through a liter a night. Which is better then the amount of water I WASN'T drinking before. We (and by we I mean I...actually I count as WE don't I?) found out the hard way what dehydration feels like. And that blood cannot be drawn when you are dehydrated and results in the butt head who is trying to draw the blood to have to shove the needle up my vain which resulted in bruising that lasted a good week. That is why i dont like needles. They show no mercy. Jerks.

Also someone who shows no mercy. Jarrid. None at all. Jackson has stated that he's trying to break out, but he's not coming out the right way. At night my stomach looks like the stomach from Alien with something trying to break out. just picture it. Scary huh?

Needless to say he's too big for his little area now. His foot can be outlined anytime of the day because my side is his favorite place for it to protrude from. unless it's stuck in my hip which is very painful and i can't move for fear that I might crush his little foot. On the other side of my stomach his hand likes to poke out and he stays in that same spot. He has been for the past week. I think that's the only place he can really stretch out.

We get to move into the new apartment this weekend, on top of giving bella away, i think this weekend might result in slight depression.

And we are planning the baby shower out here. I will be sending everyone back home invitations cause I figured it would be nice for everyone to have them as keepsakes.

We're in the homestretch now and I cannot wait to not be fat anymore...

and to have my baby. I'm to impaitient to have any more kids and 9 months is just to friggin long.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Grey skys are gunna clear up.

So it looks like everything is getting better!

I qualify for the W.I.C program here which is kinda like food stamps only for babys. It allows me to buy Formula, milk, eggs, cheese, diapers, fruits and vegitables.

Also we found an Apartment!!

a 3 bedroom 2 bath for ::drum roll:: $561 a month!!

:achmed tone: Holy crap!

it's literally right behind jackson's parents house which is convenient for us and the area is extremely safe. Jackson's parents have lived in Cameron Park for 7 years and to this day they dont lock the front door when they leave!

And the plus side to haveing a three bedroom...

people can come visit us and have a place to stay, they dont have to get a hotel! WOOT.

well I'm off to my doctors because i've been diagnosed with once again Eniema and Dehydration and the doctor wants to see me every week, but today we are discussing my stress levels...(uh oh....) and my inability to sleep. I'm one cranky pregnant woman. Be glad you dont have to put up with my attitude. But I'm off and I will post everything that the doctor says when i get back and go into the dehydration part of everything (as jackson sings "DRINK WATERRRRRRR")

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Moving day!!

Today we are moving into jackson's parents apartment for a little while until we figure out what to do. Or which option would be best for us.

Jackson is leaving April 4th for San Antonio, Texas (good ol, Ft. Sam Houston) for Expert Medic Training. We (or I) have multiple options.

We could;

Rent a one bedroom apartment, small enough for just me a Jarrid and close enough to his parents so I dont have to drive a hour to see people I know.

Jackson's parents are buying a house, they are looking at a house that has a finished basement with two bedrooms that is already in the works for an apartment, which I would live in.

And today, Jackson's Aunt Laurie lives in Texas, 2 and a half hours from San Antonio, she has a three bedroom trailer that I could stay in with Jarrid. Her husband I believe is currently working in Afganistan and she is terribley lonely. So going to live with her while jackson is training is also an option.

Unfortunately none of this options allows me to keep Bella. Which is breaking my heart but i am happy because I founda Beagle rescue who Fosters Beagles and said they will take Bella and allow me to still be involved with her and her adoption. which is making me happy knowing she wont be put down.

Well that's the quick update and I will post more later.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

And it comes down to this.

sdjfha lsdauiefasjfbasl sdb adbcusdfuewibf adb cbsjdhvasudyfawe

That's me not knowing what to do.

As jackson's parents put it.

everyone hits the bottom of the barrel. you just have to clean it out and fill it back up.

well that time has come.

we are going to be moving into jackson's parents for one or two months. (most likely less as soon as we get an apartment)

but we are getting rid of bella.

i can't even begin to put anything into words right now. When I'm more composed i will post more.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Ups and Downs.

So being home(in maine) was great! i loved every minute...minus being sick....

but I'm not gunna lie, I'm happy to be back with jackson. i missed him terribly.

But no sooner did I get home that bad news struck. Jackson's Deployment got moved up. He leaves in august now. I lost it this morning and had to call my mom. But it gets better.

i found out tonight at dinner that the deployment is only for 400 days, with 30 days R&R! Which is good cause I thought he was going to be gone for the two years like he was suppose to be. I can handle 400 days. I think. But then tonight after dinner out side the restaurant Jackson asked me what I thought of South. Carolina and If I would be willing to live there for 16 weeks. answer.

As long as I'm with you I don't give a shit where I am. (excuse my language)

So hopefully (i believe it is being worked out with the men upstairs) i will be able to relocate with Jackson to Ft.Jackson for his training for 16 weeks. That I can handle.

But what of my job? i don't think Cheryl is going to hold my spot for maternity leave and 16 weeks, but I'm gunna have to explain to them at work that the ARMY is our lives. We eat, sleep, dream, breath, and breed the ARMY. (Jackson is convinced Jarrid is his ARMY of ONE) What ever the ARMY wants the ARMY gets. There's a quote on my my space that states it all. "The ARMY is my husbands Mistress and sometimes that bitch gets all the attention" it's true, but i don't mind cause that means a sexy man in uniform gets to come home to me. ::insert moment for drooling and daydreaming::

But i believe that in order for Me to be able to go with him we will have to be married. Hmmm...everything seems to be happening at once; Baby, wedding, War.

But here's my Idea. I personally would like a semi long engagement. I don't know about Jackson. but I have no objections signing the legal papers that need to be signed to get us everything we need while he's gone and even while he's here. The ARMY doesn't accept Fiancees. only wives. But the wedding I would like to wait for. Maybe a small inexpensive church ceremony to make the families happy. (I don't know their views on the matter, I just want everyone to be happy.) And I would also like time to try to get in contact with my biological father (if he's even still alive) and let him know that his daughter is doing good. Maybe even find my brothers and meet them. And get contact with his side of the family and get to know them so they can come to the wedding. I've always dreamed of a big family wedding and I want all of our families to be there. Even though there will be butting of heads. And even if it means a wedding for 500. But that means we need time to save up. And with a Jarrid on the way, it's proving to be difficult to save up. every time we get caught up something seems to happen and drag us back down.

But you know what. We're happy. Well I think we are, I am. and I know he is.

We both know that god is testing our relationship this way, he's making us stronger for a reason. We've already been through so much and more is yet to come. Between our Age differences and people having difficultly accepting it, and then making the decision to live together, the baby, and now deployment its all a test the god is giving us.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Let's Send them a Bomb *KA BOOM*

I'm more mad at my bank then I am at nextel/sprint.

I should send them a bomb with a note attached saying "Way to piss off the preggo."

seriously though. I'm pissed.

Jackson deposited money into my credit union account because well I needed money for the flight home and I wanted to give my mom gas money. (fill what you new motto)
So I waited around until noon, because the banks dont open until 9am over there which is noon here in maine and then I checked the account. Woot money money! Which was good cause I was craving amatos so I was like "Ok, we'll go to the movie store and get hairspray to watch tonight with mom and then an italian for lunch for me." Haha the bank had other plans. Well first my card got declined at the movie store which didn't surprise me (It wont work when it's run as credit.) so I told teh lady that I needed to get some things at hanniford anyways so I'll run over there, get what I need then come back with cash. she said ok and held onto the movies for me. So I went over to hanniford and found throut drops and shower soothers (woork miracles on the sinus) and went to use my card to get 20 cash back. Nope declined.

I would like to now tell aunt ann she is a life saver!

i had to use the american express gift card that Aunt ann gave me to buy 4 dollars worth of stuff...wooo....Actually I was pissed. I was lucky there was still some on it I had used it at bath and body works to get the good lipgloss that makes your lips tingle and your breath smell good. and it plumps them. 3 bottles for 15 dollars. (HOLY COW!) and they were on sale. ACK X.x

So I called my bank and this is the conversation the went on. throughout the conversation I had random thoughts pop into my head. they are in italic for your veiwing pleasure.

ME: "Hi...blah blah blah blah blah blah (that we me giving account information)"
DUMB ASS: "Yes...blah blah blah blah blah (her varifying it after I just gave it to her...)
ME: ::rolling eyes as shes varifying it:: "I just want to know why my card keeps getting declined, I just tried using the debit and it was declined. I know theres money cause I checked an hour ago."
DUMB ASS: "What can I help you with."
ME: seriously? "why was my card declined?"
DUMB ASS: "Well because it was overdrawn for so long they put a block on your card."
ME: "Ummm...Why?"
DUMB ASS: "Policy"
ME: "I didn't sign up for that."
DUMB ASS: "It's in the contract."
ME: "Oh that must have been the other small print, you know the paper they made me sign in blood..."
DUMB ASS: "Excuse me?"
ME: "Never mind. How much was it overdrawn for and how long?"
DUMB ASS: "Let me check"
Crappy music plays as I wait on hold.
DUMB ASS: "Mam?"
ME: call me mam again and I'll eat your first born. "Yes sir."
DUMB ASS: ::crickets chirp::
ME: "Hello?" you are a moron.
DUMB ASS: "I viewed your account and it looks like it was over drawn $7.32 for 12 days."
ME: damn that's it? I should still eat your first born. "so...they blocked it? why didn't they tell me, what happened if there was an emergancy and I needed money or I would be shot?"
DUMB ASS: "Well mam the card shoud be available tomorrow."
ME:ok where the hell do you live cause I'm better have the salt and pepper ready. ::slight nervous laugh:: "That doesn't really help me cause you see I'm on the other side of the country right now."
DUMB ASS: "Oh really? where?"
ME: "Maine." I swear to god if you ask if that's part of canada I'll shoot you.
DUMB ASS: "Isn't it cold in europe this time of year?"
ME: biting my tounge...I'm not going to say anything. I managed to squeek out a "Yup"
DUMB ASS: "Well I'm sorry about everything, but the money should be available to you first thing in the morning your time."
ME: "thank you. Have a nice day......"
I hung up the phone and I was so mad that I almost started crying. I really wanted amatos.

but I'm better now, I'm going to take a nice hot shower and clear my sinuses. after I find something to eat...I just dont feel like cooking. (ps. cooking right now is heating macaroni and cheese.) HAHAHAHA I'm so lazy.

I'm calm and I'm going to get something to eat.