Sunday, January 13, 2008

Moving day!!

Today we are moving into jackson's parents apartment for a little while until we figure out what to do. Or which option would be best for us.

Jackson is leaving April 4th for San Antonio, Texas (good ol, Ft. Sam Houston) for Expert Medic Training. We (or I) have multiple options.

We could;

Rent a one bedroom apartment, small enough for just me a Jarrid and close enough to his parents so I dont have to drive a hour to see people I know.

Jackson's parents are buying a house, they are looking at a house that has a finished basement with two bedrooms that is already in the works for an apartment, which I would live in.

And today, Jackson's Aunt Laurie lives in Texas, 2 and a half hours from San Antonio, she has a three bedroom trailer that I could stay in with Jarrid. Her husband I believe is currently working in Afganistan and she is terribley lonely. So going to live with her while jackson is training is also an option.

Unfortunately none of this options allows me to keep Bella. Which is breaking my heart but i am happy because I founda Beagle rescue who Fosters Beagles and said they will take Bella and allow me to still be involved with her and her adoption. which is making me happy knowing she wont be put down.

Well that's the quick update and I will post more later.

1 comment:

Roadside Manners said...

Hey Girl! I forgot to wish you a happy birthday! My Bad... was good to have you in Maine for a while, I know your mom was really happy about that. Good luck with the moving situation, it will all work out.