Friday, August 01, 2008

Slight vent session. Among other things.

hmm. I was just looking at the blogger window thingy for making my post "me". I think we need to start a search party for the "lost Icons and drop down lists".

I mean where is the little drop down menu where you can cleverly choose from the list of 5 or 6 fonts you can creatively make your post with? on vacation appearently.

Ah! This is so last year. I choose the little Italic button and instead of instantly changing the entire post to italic like it used to, little geek words appeared and I had to fill in the blanks. How fun is it when you can't waist your time editing your blogith to look like you want it too?

And WHERE ((?!?!)) is the three boxes you can click that have the lines on them which designates where your lettering goes?! This is beyond crazy!

My post is not me now!!! I can't even change the color of my font. Obviously it wont be any fun to read this. Cause it clearly isn't fun to type any more.

But other then that.

Life is dandy. If you like the stressful, want to rip your hair out kind of life.

Our trip to Maine was thwarted this month by the wicked witch of the west and her accomplises the Department of Child Support Services. Take a moment to shreak and run about running for cover like a chicken with your had cut off. I will.

Ok back from running and shreaking.

Alas as much as I have tried to use my powers for good. Hard I know, Someone as powerful as I, it's hard to control.

But there are more corrupt powers at hand. Or powers that are corrupting innocents. The innocents happen to be two blond hair, blue eyed girls. The Powers you ask?

The Wicked Witch of the West. We'll call her WWW for effect. And no, that is not a fat joke pertaining to the World Wide Web. You jerks.

The how the corrupting is happening you ask? Just by association.

Not possible you say? Oh but it's true.

There are days in my superhero world when I just want to take everyone and burn them to a crisp with my laser eyes. Oh. If only it was that easy.

But no, I must sit back and bite my tongue for everytime I voice my opinion or how I feel about a situation I feel like it is always the wrong opinion OR the wrong way to feel. Being bossed around and treated like a two year by an eight year old and an eleven year old, when no one else is around isn't exactly something that i look forward too. And even worse at that is I feel like noone believes me that I get treated like this. Cause noone is around to witness it.

So that leaves me to defend myself and take care of my self, because when I do stand up and assurt my rules, some how it always comes back on me and I'm the bad guy.

take for instance yesterday. Both children were wearing dresses, but proceeded to lounge around like hoochies with thier legs wide open. I told them numerous times all day that if they could sit like ladies they wouldn't wear dresses until they could sit like one. well as BTSAM got home I caught the youngest sitting with her legs on the couch with her butt, her legs spread wide open, everything out in the air. I told her to sit right and she wasn't going to wear dresses until she learned to sit right. What does she do? Run to daddy and tell him these words. "remind me to bring all my dresses to mom's house cause I'm not allowed to wear them any more."

Fine make me look like the piece of shit. They always do it any ways. Turn every thing around to make me the bad guy even though they dont say why they were being punished. And noone ever asks them. no not a "well what did you do to make it so this was said?" it's always. "Well that's bullshit, don't listen to it."

Fine. What ever. I'll just tend to my own kid. I can't control any others that don't want to respect me or even want to be controlled. They can do what they want now. They win.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Sami. Sounds like you have your hands full. Man, I would smack my man up the side of his head if he didn't support me and my discipline. If he didnt I would drop him. Oh, wait, I did. Sami, get control now. If he doesnt support you know, then its only gonna get worse. Trust Me on this one. I KNOW what I am talking about. Please, Please do not have any more kids until you two work together and come up with a discipline plan. If you dont work together your relationship WILL NOT WORK. Love ya. Auntie Karen