Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wicked fun!

So yeah,

Hello all. This is my blog thingy. I created it to stay in touch with everyone who wants to stay in touch with me, they can just read this and know what is going on! brilliant eh? I'd say.

I'm not going to lie I have absolutely no idea on how to start this.

I was born and raised in Maine by my wonderful allergic mother (I say she's allergic to everything...) I now live in California with my boyfriend/fiance (I'll just call him foyce) hahaha. I think I'm funny when I'm usually not, but that is how I am. We have a crazy dog named Bella.
That's her and her "I'm-cute-but-if-you-look-I-pooped-in-your-closet-but-i-love-you-so-it's-OK-mom" face. She's just too cute. We are expecting our first child (a shock to us both and the rest of the world, but hey nothing that I can do about it). We want it to be a boy, but just because of that it's going to be a girl. We are looking to getting married next spring, a small ring ceremony (save the big one from when he gets back from Afghanistan) I think. I could be wrong. we kinda talked about it. hahaha.
It's raining right now. In Maine. I haven't seen rain in 3 months. Jack says just wait it will rain and I'll wanna tear my hair out. Yeah right, like I would tear my awesome hair out. I love my hair. It was a million feet long but cut it all off so it's like a foot long now! hahahaha take that California heat!
I'm sitting here waiting for the clock to hit 11:30 so I can set out into the world and make my way towards the school and go to the marching band competition. I'm addicted. It's like my drug, if I could I would surround myself with marching band all day and all night long. It's such a high. It's addicting. And I'm not a crack fiend. But I guess I should try to find something else to do and make this the end of my official first post!

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