Friday, September 28, 2007



I haven't updated in a while!

Sorry... But here is my quick update before I go pick up Jess and Alex at school and then drive down to the base to pick up Jackson!

Everything has been going OK. Beside Jackson hogging the bed. He woke up laughing at me this morning because apparently I woke up in the middle of the night sat up and tried to push him over! he thought that was the funniest thing on the planet. I disagree because I almost fell off the bed last night, because he hogs the bed so much. But I love him anyways so it doesn't really matter.

This week I have been an emotional wreck. I blaim WhoreMoans. That's what i've come to call them because that's what they are giant Whores...that Moan.....

My UPS boxes arrived and alot of stuff was broken. Happily UPS is going to replace everything, but still it hurts how they treated my stuff. So I cried all day because of that.

And the next day I cried all day because we can't get bella housebroken and we are having hard time, apon research we found out that beagles are just bull headed and need beat and brought outside. She's been spending days in the crate. I feel bad but when I get sck every single time i clean up her poo, it kinda begins to stink.

And then last night I was up set and mad at jackson because he's always on the phone when he gets home from work, and it's hard to spend time with him. So I tried to be mad at him, but he does that face, with the wink and the grin and I just can't be mad at him. i learn he does it with his mother too.

But now I must go pick up Jess and Alex and then Jackson. So I must fly.

Laterz Home slizzals.

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