Friday, October 05, 2007

Drill Weekends Suck

I offically hate drill weekends.

I hate being home alone, it really sucks and I didn't relise how much I hated being alone until he couldn't come home from drill last night and I didn't get to talk to him on the phone.

Out Crack Ass dog bella was sick all day yesterday and is ill today, she's very mopey and doesn't want to eat, and she throws up the water she keeps drinking. I dont know.

Jackson doesn't have any reception where he is so I dont get to talk to him until sunday night. He did find one spot where he has some reception, but we dont get to talk that often.

I'm still an emotional wreck, I'll randomly start crying. I think the thing that is hurting me the most is that I dont have any friends out here. Non like the ones i had in maine. So I'm going back to work. I'm going to find a job so that I can make some friends, just a part time job for now while I look into taking some college classes maybe (that might have to wait until after the hatching) So I think I'll just go find a job at the mall, where I can work all day until about 5 and be home to visit jackson. Not only will it help with pay bills but we can also have extra money during christmas and have some money so that we can actually do things that we want to do. Or maybe just put it all away to buy a house next year. If for some odd reason we dont go active duty. Which is also in the near future.

That's one of the things I look forward to the most. Active Duty.
along with The Baby, the wedding, and oddly enough working.
I would like to spend time with jackson though. Some alone time, just us, no work, no outside world. We haven't really been paying attention to each other as much as we should with all our other worries. But i feel that when we go active duty, everything will be alot better. I'll be able to make friends, ones that can understand my feelings about everything (i.e. deployment, drill, ect.) although I believe if we go active duty we wont have drill any more. but oh well. What do I know, I had to drop my contract, but I believe everything happens for a reason. And that is how that goes.

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