Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Let me just let you all know now..

Being pregnant SUCKS!!!

Hormones are offically kicking my ass.

And the not getting comfortable at night thing...needs to end. I'm soooo cranky cause I dont get any sleep. Between the only comfortable spot being on my back (which I'm not allowed to do something about cutting circulation off to teh baby) and the snoring contest between jackson and bella (They both make odd noises and fight to be the loudest) I sleep like crap.

I've offically switched over to being nocturnal. I sleep all day...(well until noon that is)

OH! and nextel turned of our phones because they claim we own them 400 dollars, so I told them to take the phones and put them someplace where they dont belong. And to give us all our money back. So I will have to corrispond with everyone via e-mail until we can get new phones cause we are not going back to AT&T or Sprint/Nextel. We're looking at Verison or Alltell. but it will be a while. With the holidays coming up and our trip to maine already looking to costing us about 3 grand we can't afford phones right now. If there is an emergancy and I repeat EMERGANCY ONLY! jackson's work number can be used, but I repeat that is for emergancies only becuase it is a company phone. and an emergancy is : Someone dying...or in the hospital.

anyways. so yeah our maine trip is looking to costing about 3 grand...that is 3 grand that we dont have but are going to spend anyways becuase I have to come back before I go insane.

We are looking at houses, because the rent we are paying down we found out could be our morgage payment, so we are looking at a bigger house with a morgage payment the same as our rent right now. hahaha.

We found a house that we both liked and we are going to look at a house on friday.


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