Friday, March 14, 2008

alright, alright, already....I know.

So maybe I'm a little over protective. I've gathered this, but I can't help it. I try not to be. But I can't help it.

What brought on this sudden realization?
A few things that have happened over the past few days. I think it's what my mother said and it's hormones just trying to get back to their normal levels.

I know I've been over protective. I don't need anyone else to tell me this.

So what if I'm not ready to leave him with a baby-sitter? I'm sure it will be a little while before I'm comfortable to do that. I mean come on, I had to fax a paper for BTSAM the other day and I had been at his mothers all day long and it made absolutely no sense for me to pack him up and put him in the car just to go fax something, when Tough Army Mom (BTSAM's mother) was perfectly capable of watching him. I was gone for 45 mins and I wanted to slit my wrists while I was driving. Every minute I was away I wanted to bawl my eyes out, and I almost did.

I'm trying not to be over protective, but there is nothing I can do about it. Like about 5 mins ago for instance. I told Littler Tough Army Girl that she could hold him and when she stood up and started walking around with him my heart literally jumped out of my chest and freckin' ran into traffic to jump into an oncoming mac truck and smash into a bunch of tiny bits. Not wanting to freak out I just ignored it and turned back to the computer pretending that I didn't see anything. I mean if Big Tough Smart Army Man isn't worried about it why should I be? But then she walked over to me asking for his plug. I damn near died and calmly asked her to sit back down with him and I will get his bottle. So I went into the bedroom and calmed down. When I came back out she was once again walking around with him. I almost literally passed out. Literally, I'm not joking I grabbed onto the wall for support. Maybe it's cause I'm hungry. Yeah, we'll just say that's it.

nope lets not lie here she is a very over protective mother and I mean very protective.
^BTSAM's two cents^

Go buy some fucking ice cream.

Not that you can get ice cream for two cents anyways.
Maybe some candy.

Or new paint to fix the door he busted down.
Yes that is correct, he busted down a door so the propane guy can fix whatever is leaking in our apartment. That is right, we had a propane leak in our apartment, so they turned our propane off all of today, and now the emergency propane guy is here to fix it and turn it back on. We discovered that it was our oven that was leaking. One of the knobs said it was off, but it wasn't. So it's all fixed now and our hot water doesn't take 5 minutes to heat up. hopefully.

And that is my post. I have a child that is being swallowed up by his receiving blankets and is crying out cause he has the hiccups.


Mrs. Duntley said...

ok holding him is one thing walking around the room is another. Next time tell her that she can hold him just as long as she SITS down with him. If she gets up....take Jarrid away.

Simple as that.

NO questions asked.

You are not being over protective.

YOU are the mom, YOU set the rules.

Anonymous said...

What the heck Sam. You should not feel uncomfortable. You are the Mom...what you say goes. Make em listen or tell em, no holding the baby. Plain and simple.

Good luck.

Auntie Karen