Monday, March 17, 2008


Not going to lie EVERYBODY is pissing me off. I just want to scream at everyone.

I feel like shit. I want to swallow a shotgun I'm so sick. But Do I get a day off to rest and maybe try to get better? No.

The Little Tough Army Girls are on school vacation this week.
oh joy.
Their mother has to work all week so BTAM offered to babysit a few weeks ago. Little did she know that her baby was going to be sick, throwing up all over the place with a horrible cough, and the doctors wont give her anything for it because it's just a cough. So guess where we go everyday when BTSAM get's home? Take a wild guess.
I wanna know why we're trying so hard to keep LTSAM from getting sick, and yet we bring him, and give him to everyone that is sick, why don't we just throw him into a pool of aids while we're at it. Kill all the birds with one stone. Put him in the hospital for life.
And on top of it. I'm now sick. fantastic. The only person who is home to take care of him during the day, and I get sick. C'mon LTAG we're basically coughing up their lungs on everyone's floors and here comes the brilliant idea; Let's give them the premature baby to hold and cough all over!

So now I'm sick. I can't even hold my own baby, because I don't want to get him sick. Which might I add is already happening. He's developed a cough which makes him cry (I don't give a rat's ass if "Babies cough") If babies "just cough", why did he just start after everyone in the world who was sick held him?

That's just a few of the things that are pissing me off.
All I want to do is relax and try not to get sick, I just wanted to sleep in (Which I could have because LTSAM decided he was going to sleep in today but nope, because A LTAG decided that she was going to crawl into bed with me and i just wasn't in the mood. It's school vacation! Why don't kids sleep in until noon?! I know I did. And so I got out of bed and went out into the living room, after announcing to LTAG that I did not feel good AT ALL and that she could get on the computer and play Nancy drew, I went and laid down on the couch with LTSAM in his bouncer next to me.

I dont know about you, but when someone says they don't feel good isn't that usually a big sign that means "Leave me the fuck alone." ?

Guess not.

She played Nancy Drew for like a hour. I was almost asleep when she came and climbed onto the couch wedging herself between the back of the couch and myself. I just kinda ignored it, These girls are really big on cuddling and as long as she didn't breath on me I might not throw up. But no, Every five minutes it was one question after the other. and the one question that pissed me off the most.
"You still don't feel good?"
What the hell am I suppose to say?
"No I feel like a million bucks! I got all of about 2 hours of sleep last night, my throat hurts, I'm coughing my lungs onto the floor, my eyes are all itchy and they are burning and on top of that I keep getting hot flashes. Yup I feel like I could run a marathon!"

My patience meter is on empty. I think the only people I can be patient with are probably, BTSAM, Really Big Tough Retired Army Man, BTAM, And Katie (who's so sick she just wants to scream at everyone and call them "BAD!")
Anyone else I just want to murder.
So I need some sleep. So what? I couldn't sleep if I wanted to.

Oh and to top things all off. I'm trying to be nice. That's why I'm venting on here. I will let the stupid questions come (to an extent) I will go to bed with everyone tonight and not sleep at all. I will wake up in the morning probably worse off then I was today, and I will put myself in a plastic bubble so that I wont get my baby sick and I will rest tomorrow.
Oh wait no I wont, because the BTAGs are spending the night tonight. And they will be up at 7:30 digging through the cupboards for something to eat and slamming shit closed and not caring about who is still sleeping and coming into my room to wake me up to ask me a stupid ass question like if they can watch T.v. or if they can have something to eat.
If that happens I will say no to every question they ask me. Cause I feel like being a bitch. And I'm gunna be one.

Cause I just don't give a shit anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap Sami. Ya know, women are allowed to get bitchy at least once a month, HOWEVER...please refrain from dropping the F bomb. Grammy would drop dead if she read your blog. And it would be a big plus if your baby's first word is dadda or momma and not "f*$&"

Auntie Karen