Friday, February 15, 2008

Great Baby comith....maybe

So tonight is gunna be a loooooooooooong night. consisting of Contractions, lots of walking, and more contractions.

right now my contractions are about 30 mins apart, but they are quite strong. It's gunna be a long weekend.

I dont think I'm getting any progress though becuase the pressure I felt the first time I went into labor is not there, but I am having the contractions.

I dont think we are going to have a baby tonight or even tomorrow for that fact, I dont think he's gunna come until during the week. My water hasn't even broken yet, so it's just a waiting game right now. The doctor doesn't want to admit me until the contractions are 5 mins apart, so we will see what happens. But I have been instructed to keep up my normal pace and maybe that will push him along.

We're all just getting really anxious and tonight is going to be long. I'll try to keep updates, as I know my mom will too, she'll be the first person informed of any changes.

But honestly I think that he's not coming yet.

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