Friday, February 01, 2008

Bed Rest Anyone?

So last night was a long night. Actually all day yesterday was a long day.

I woke up at 7 am and I was in a lot of discomfort. It felt like every organ in my stomach was full of gas and I couldn't release it. And I was nausous, and my back felt like someone had taken a sledge hammer to it. So I tried drinking some water, eating for cherrios, drinking a glass of milk and a glass of apple juice. Hehe...Needless to say it doesn't taste very good coming back up.

I rolled around in bed trying to find a comfortable position, but jackson woke up at about 8 and said that we should go to his parents and I should take a hot bath to see if that would help with the back pain. I lasted about 15 mins in the tub. I couldn't get comfortable and I couldn't stop throwing up long enough to relax. So Jackson told me to call my doctor. The nurse said that it sounds like I have the Stomach Flu that has been going around, and I agreed because both Katie and Jacksons mom had it two days before, so it was possible that I caught it from them. Well at about 2:00pm I started doing downhill. I couldn't keep any liquids down, couldn't sleep, couldn't get comfortable, I felt like I had been hit by a mac truck. literally. (Dane cook pops into my head..."I wanted to yell, 'your about to get struck by a motor vehicle' but all i could get out was 'ehhh' ")

I literally looked like shit too. Everyone avoided me. I was pale and vomiting and ontop of it i think I smelled like vomit cause it was in my hair. But I couldn't stop praying to the porcelin gods long enough to shower. So at about 4 pm, i had gone a whole hour without vomiting. (thank you pepto bismol!) and felt that I might have enough strength to take a shower. So I asked jackson to start it for me and I mosied my fat butt down the hall to take a shower. That's when it all got worse.

Theres a mirror in the bath room(of coarse there is it's a bathroom) what I mean by a mirror I mean right across from the shower where you can watch yourself. So I was looking at myself into the mirror, taht's a lie, I was actually looking at my stomach and much to my surprise i watched it drop a good inch, inch and a half. And by drop I mean, my boobs aren't being held up by my stomach anymore. that's how much it dropped. And so it started. The contractions.

Well I didn't think they were contractions, I thought my stomach was just hurting because I had been vomiting all day and my muscles were screaming for relief.

Boy was I wrong.

I called the doctor and explained everything that had happened and the nurse told me to hold on and she went and got the on-call doctor. The doctor talked to me and told me to take two tylonal and if the pain doesn't go away or it worsens to go into Labor and Delivery.

I was like, Oh crap. I'm not spending the night in the hospital and this baby is NOT coming out today, tomorrow or the next day. He will come out when we are ready for him to come out.

So 7:00pm rolls around and I am miserable. I had no say in it, I think if I hadn't of said yes, jackson would have dragged me anyways. So we went to the Labor and Delivery.

Jarrid pissed off the nurses by hiding so they couldn't moniter him. I was haveing contractions every ten mins. Then the pressure came. (Very graphic I'm sorry.) I felt like my ass wanted to explode all over the place. But I couldn't. SO MUCH PRESSURE. I mentioned it to the nurse and she gave me a look, like "You've got to be shitting me." So she was like, 'Drop your pants, I'm gunna check you really quickly."

umm what?

So alot of discomfort later the look on her face told me that it wasn't good. 'Well your two centimeters dialated and his head is right there, which is why you are feeling so much pressure."
Jacksons jaw hit the floor. What happened to the Stomach flu causeing all this? Jackson laughed, I think he was just making you throw up so he had room to bust out. I was like bullshit he is not coming out yet. So the doctor came in and checked and agreed with the nurse. Oh fun. they were talking about admiting and transfurring. Um Do I not have a say in this. But then the doctor desided that 32 weeks was two early to have a baby. So he gave me a shot of tributaline i think it was called, that stopped the contractions. and a dose of phenergren mixed with iv fluids. I put up a fight though cause they had to put the iv in my hand.

and they came to the conclusion that I have a bladder infection. FUN!

So after they drugged me and sent me home. and they put me on best rest.

But at 10:00 this morning the contractions started again and they haven't stopped, they are irregular, but painful all the same.

well katie is calling me so I have to go play tea with her.


Anonymous said...

Play tea? Are you serious?? OK dumbass...what part of bed rest don't you understand??

Army_Wifey08 said...

I'd like to see you say no to a 2 year old who has the stomach flu...and a good set of lungs.

Sheepish Annie said...

The BFK and I will be thinking good thoughts for ya! And eating waffles. Which probably won't help, but you never know...

Rest up and tell that little guy to settle down. I still have stuff left to knit before he can arrive.