Monday, February 04, 2008

Showering Babies

So, being on bedrest is driving me nuts. It's sooo boring. But needless to say I got the Baby shower invitations done. They are all really simple, but I made a very special one for Jarrid to put in his scrapbook.

That's his special invitation. All of the other ones just have the teddy bear, and the saying on the bottom. On the inside it says "Let's celebrate with a baby shower!" and then time, place, date ect. But I am very proud of that invitation. Took me all of a half an hour to make 21 invitations.
I can't wait until he's born so I can become a camera addict, and take millions of pictures and scrapbook them and show him off!
Heh...My little trophy baby. He's gunna be a football player I already know. The way he punts around inside of me he's either going to have a really good punt, or an amazing right hook.
So either way he's gunna be trouble.
And on other news.
Jackson recieved his offical deployment orders. December 9, 2008.
That's all I can say about that, there are orders out to military families stating that we aren't allowed to state when they are coming home, or where they are going.
But I will have a countdown clock, that's all i can say. Maybe a count up clock of how many days he's been gone instead.
It's a small post, but I'm sure I will have more to say later.

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