Friday, February 29, 2008

ok so it was ok.

AHHH! i hurt!

you know the jokes Eric makes about not being able to poop?
well he can officially make fun of me because today was the first time all week that I have pooped. and man did it feel good.

over share huh?

After exposing myself to complete strangers so they can pull a child out of it, I don't really care anymore.

but really? I'm sore. I being a moron have been forgetting to take my pain medication. fascinating i know.

it's not a bad sore, its the sore your muscles get after you work out really hard at the gym.

also my body has informed me that because I am breastfeeding that my 3 meals a day to help me lose weight just wont cut it, because then Jarrid doesn't get food, because none is produced; because I'm not eating enough.

once again I am forcing myself to eat.

And jackson is extremely sick.

So Both Jarrid and I are staying away from him, but I think I will probably get sick just by looking at him. All I care about is that Jarrid doesn't get sick. But jackson has only been sick for the past 14 hours and we got him on antibiotics tonight so we caught it extremely early and we are treating it, so that Jarrid and I wont get sick.

And to top things all off. We don't have any clothes that fit Jarrid. We have 2 outfits and a bunch of onesies. So Jarrid mostly wears onesies and stays swaddled in blankets all day long. Only at night when we turn the heat up to 78, do we let him sprawl out and stretch. This morning he got to stretch out on the floor in just a diaper in the sun for a little bit, to help the jaundice go away. I think Pre-me clothes are a requirement when you have a small baby. And I'll tell you, i have yet to find a place besides babies-r-us that sells pre-me clothes. But I'm still on the look out for pre-me clothes. Can't wait till he can where the outfits everyone else got him.

Well that was my quick post. I'm eating something then going to bed because I'm exhausted

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great pictures. What a handsome boy. It sounds as though everyone needs some sleep, and sunshine.
Stay healthy and keep napping as often as you can.
G in FL